911 or 411

We all have aches and pains but we wonder if its time for a trip to the MD or WebMD. I thought I would share a few of my actual experiences and some real advice on when it is a 411 or 911 situation.

Don’t Ignore Red Flags

Chest Pain

Chest pain is not the place to second guess. Trust me this is a lesson my family learned the hard way. Both my parents have learned they have a-Fib and chest pain can be a chief indicator of serious health conditions such as heart disease or heart attack. The pain can feel like strong pressure, squeezing or fullness in the center of the chest; lasting for more than several minutes at once or coming and going periodically. It can possibly spread to the shoulders, neck, or arms and you can also feel lightheadedness, faintness, sweating, nausea, and shortness of breath. Women especially should not ignore the gastro symptoms. These symptoms fall under the 911. And yes, it is better to metaphorically die of embarrassment from a terrible case of gas than truly die from an untreated heart attack.

Some pain shouldn’t be ignored

Tell the Tooth

Any persistent toothache should be taken seriously. I have had a laundry list of dental problems, including infections, abscess, and a broken tooth, which, of course or curse, if you’d like, happened over a holiday weekend. The pain typically manifests itself with constant throbbing sensation that may be sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet foods. Swelling around the tooth, fever and headaches may accompany it - it is crucial not to disregard such signs as untreated complications may arise and worsen rapidly. Seek prompt care by consulting with a dentist near me to prevent pain from worsening. I have experienced a lot of pain, but dental pain has its own special ring of hell. Also, dental infections have an extra threat to your heart or turning sepsis, so seriously, don’t play around with your teeth. That Fairy may be meaner than you think.

Don’t Turn Your Back

Back pain is one which I am very familiar. I know I am not alone in this complaint which ranges from mild discomfort to badbound on the heating pad. It is usually caused by muscle strains, poor posture or injuries. However, excruciating back pain could indicate more serious conditions like spinal fractures, herniated discs or infections requiring medical treatment ASAP. Symptoms could include difficulty walking, leg weakness or numbness as well as loss of bladder or bowel control. Here’s another 911 moment for you.

What a Headache!

I have migraines - intense, horrific migraines. I also had such a bad headache (turned out that it was caused by a sinus infection in that back of my head) that I went to the ER, so I take this very seriously.

If you have an abrupt, intense headache that suddenly and rapidly escalates, commonly referred to as "thunderclap headache," that’s an ER moment. Just like risk the gas moment, risk the sinus infection. Headaches like that can signal serious conditions like aneurysms, strokes or meningitis. Additional symptoms include nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness or seizures. Nobody laughed at me when I was there with mine. In fact, they told me I had a raging infection, and could have been much sicker had I not come in. So, while the name sinus infection may not sound dire, it was good I was there.

Quite the Tummyache

Like the sudden onset of a headache, abdominal pain that hits hard and sudden is something to take seriously. Possible underlying issues range from appendicitis, gallstones and kidney stones to more serious conditions like aortic aneurysms. Now, yes, it may actually be gas this time, so watch for persistent vomiting, bloody stool, high fever and/or difficulty breathing. Listen to your body because if you are having those latter symptoms, it may be a 911 situation.


Pain is our body's way of communicating when something is wrong. While most aches and pains can be managed without calling the actual doc, it's important to recognize when pain could be telling us something more. When in doubt, seek out the professionals. Remember, with regards to health, it is always better to be safe than sorry!


Holly Jolly Holidays


No Horsing Around