Gone in 60 Seconds

Some people are branded on your heart. Time apart doesn’t really change the quality of the friendship, only how current the information. In my life, I have been blessed. with a few of these friends. The old saying goes that if you are lucky, you have a handful. I am so blessed enough to be able to count mine on two.

Theatre Friends =
Forever Friends

Some of them go back to my days in children’s theatre and anime´. We’re talking three decades plus. Miles may have separated us. Years when long distance was not free (MCI Friends & Family, anyone) may have limited how often we talked, but NEVER was the friendship in question.

Long Distance Becomes No Distance

Finally, however, in an odd twist of fate (thank you, 30th high school reunion!) brought us to the same place at the same time. I said “odd”. She and I did not go to the same high school. She flew in one night for her reunion and I drove 45 minutes to have dinner with her.

We shared orgasmic sushi. Think I exaggerate?

large sashimi sushi plate on ice

Now, that’s what I call sushi!

I am not “that” girl. I am not a foodie and I do not take pictures of. my food, but I had “HAD” to take a picture of this platter. And it doesn’t even do it justice. Nonetheless, I have digressed into very deep tuna-filled waters and I shall return to my story.

After this amazing dinner, we found ourselves reliving a bit of the golden days, sipping coffee and eating cheesecake at the House of Pies. One of the several late night hangouts from my 20s. Instead of plays and boyfriends, we discussed kids and husbands, with the same speed and enthusiasm.

While the calendar seemed to roll back, the clock had to move forward. Finally, like a Don McLean song, it was time to return to today even as I delivered her to classmates of her past. We hugged. She opened the door and slid out . One more turn with a smile and that funny half wave that looks almost like a sock puppet is somehow missing from the folded hand. She closed the door and I watched her walk to the bar.

And in again, she was…

Gone in 60 Seconds

A quarter century don’t mean a thing


4th or bust


Sustainable Gift for Moms