I Needed a Pebble

Last year, I began my YouTube show, “the pebble”. My intention was to share my fundamental belief that if we make little changes that make ourselves happy, we help ourselves be the people we are meant to be and therefore, bring that positivity into the world and make the world a more positive place. With enthusiasm I offered up the motto, “if we all threw a pebble of positivity into the sea, we could turn the tide of negativity”.

Making ripples of positivity

Now, before you wonder if I changed my mind about any of the above, I did not. This is at the heart of me, who I am, and how I. move in the world. The only problem was… is, I sometimes am better at helping others than myself. In other terms, a phrase I have used before, “hello kettle, meet pot”.

Giving what I didn’t have

2023 was a brute of a year and I was not doing those little things for myself as I was out there spreading the word to others to do so. Now that I begin work on Season 2, I am recommitting to living my words, picking up my own pebbles rather than just giving them out.

Do you do that? Have wonderful advice on something that you simply don’t live yourself?

Stay tuned for new episodes. I hope you will join me. I promise to be more honest this year. Or at least do my vey best.


So… How you doing?


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