Keeping Mental Health in Check

I am happy to say that mental health is being talked about more and more, with conditions now being openly discussed. #endthestigma WIth September being Suicide Prevention Month and my family being recently touched by this horrible heartache, it’s more and more important to show that people are not alone in what they experience. The good news is that the more open that we have been has led to more people understanding how to live with their conditions.

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It is my Universe, after all.

Managing mental health is much easier now than ever before. That doesn’t mean it’s easy or that everyone knows what they’re doing. If you’re struggling with this, first know, it’s okay. As the phrase goes, “it’s okay to be not okay”, but it’s also important to seek help. Here are a few practical steps that you may find helpful

Manage Your Mental Health: 3 Practical Steps To Take

1. Get Outside

Spend some time in nature

Nature has quite an impact on how people feel. By spending more time in it, managing mental health can be made easier. Even something as seemingly small as taking a walk through a forest, or as I used to do walk on the shore, helps. If there are any natural landscapes or landmarks nearby, it’s worth using them. I have been trying to find my new place. I have been to Niagara several times, and last week, I ventured into the hills of Ellicottville, New York.

Hiking and camping can both be great options for this. Or taking the time to do some gardening can be of help. Sometimes the act of looking for the thing that works can provide some relief. It might even be worth bringing the outside in by getting some plants and flowers.

Gardening can be helpful

2. Face Your Problems

There could be countless factors affecting your mental health, and trust me, ignoring them doesn’t make them go away. Whether it’s PTSD, anxiety, attention deficit issues, or depression, find out what you’re dealing with and take the time to sort them out. In our home, that was a check, check, check, and check, so no shame here.

And I am a female in my 50s, so I get there can be hormonal issues. Men, can have testosterone issues.There are places, for example, this company that can help address them. Overcoming any issues affecting your mental health without fear or embarassment is an essential part of mental health.

3. Get Creative

For me, getting creative is a great way to manage my mental health. Giving me something to focus on other than the anxiety that might be building up, it provides an outlet that usually makes me feel better. BONUS: Depending on what creative outlet I have chosen, I have something to show for it after.

If you are wanting to do something, but not sure what creative outlet to try, there are plenty of these to choose from. Painting, photography, and even calligraphy can all be great options. DIY crafts are all over Pinterest, it’s okay if they’re #pinterestfails if you relaxed and had fun doing it. I find writing a great outlet. Whatever it is that provides that release for you is what matters.

Seriously, just give it a try.

Take the time to make your mental health a priority

Trying to manage mental health often seems like an uphill battle. No matter what we do, it can seem like nothing is helping but It’s worth focusing on the right strategies and getting the help you need to get through it. It took time for my family to get the help we need but we will never regret working for it. While it might take some time, you can feel better.

If you need a hand, I am here offering one, just reach out and take it.


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