A Star in My Own Universe

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It’s a Strange World

Well, we knew that one. Of course, as an 80’s girl, I can’t help but hear the melancholic refrain of “Mad World” by Tears for Fears. This candy-colored world is a Disney one, however, so there is no long-standing melancholy.

Just fun. Strange fun, as to be expected.

Strange World

It's a Strange, Strange, Strange, Strange World

Due to an inordinate amount of snow come to Buffalo,
this review is again brought to you by my son.
We were provided free tickets in exchange for an honest review.
All opinions are his. It is my/our Universe, after all.

Strange World

Strange World is a strange movie not just because of the world itself, but because of how I feel about it. I like the characters, the overall story, and some of the universe that they set up. I know there was a B-story, but I’m not really sure what it was ultimately about. Whether it was about life and disease or taking care of our world, I couldn’t find a complete thing to take away from that storyline.

For the most part, I liked the main plot, even the twist. The Clades were all fun to watch. You have the “strange world” wherein the overall design was interesting and colorful, but wasn’t anything that made me excited enough to follow. The main antagonist creature just reminded me of something from Elden Ring or Demon Souls, only less well done. As a whole the designs of the Strange World reminded me of something done better or differently, and that it wasn’t really for anyone older than the central target audience. This is a shame because I was hoping for it to be something I could watch again to see something I missed and really enjoy again.

To cap this off, I must reiterate that I did like it, but sadly not as much as I hoped. I do think that any kid will enjoy it for the colors, the characters, and the overall film. If you’re older you still may find some enjoyment from it. As a whole, it is not one of Disney’s best.

Imperfect Fun

From the mouths of not-so-babes, this one is good for the babes and those who love the beauty of animation.