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Magical and Meaningful - Rebecca Bryant

Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.

#3 - Rebecca Bryant aka
The Mobility Mom

Todayโ€™s guest is a smile at all levels. She brings them and she give them. A lover of Disney, Rebecca has a feed with plenty of sunshine. But like myself, her sunshine is one she works for and she also share deeply inspirational posts about self-worth and letting go of those things that hold us back. She shines brightly in even her darkest days and that helps me do the same. Please say hello to Rebeccaโ€ฆ

50 Women Shining Brightly with Rebecca Bryant

You are a woman who shines despite a lot of plates to spin and a couple of obstacles to boot. Please share a little about yourself, your family. your illness journey (one with which you know I can commiserate), your vision, and how all of that has shaped you personally and professionally.

I am northern by birth born in New Hampshire but a southern by choice. I moved to Florida in โ€˜81 and have been here since. I met my husband when I was 17 and had my son at 29. I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease at 18 that attacked my kidneys and put me in stage 3 renal failure. At 24, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. For 25+ years, it has been a roller coaster of emotions and health issues. I feel being diagnosed with back-to-back chronic illnesses made me more aware of just how precious life is. It has taught me to live in the moment and to embrace life fully. Professionally it has taught me that in order to achieve my dreams I would have to blaze my own path and create opportunities for myself. It has also made me very aware of how blessed I truly am and taught me to be grateful for each day I am given. 

Nobody loves Disney more than you. Is there a story behind that? Did you always love Mickey? Now it is an even bigger part of your life. What is your current career path?

Rebecca with Daffy Duck

I knew at that moment that in some way, somehow Disney would be a part of my life. Over the years I went from a Disney kid to a Disney Mom, to a Disney blogger to finally finding my way into a career as a Disney Travel Planner.

I feel like I finally found my true calling. Helping people plan magical vacations is where my true joy lies. 

How has that been influenced by your family life?

 Every choice and decision I have made in life has been influenced by my family. I struggled for years to have a child and when I was finally blessed with my miracle I knew that I wanted to create a life full of love, joy, and peace. Disney has been a huge part of that as he has grown up on Disney. Having Disney as part of our lives both as a guest and a travel planner has allowed us to have many wonderful one-of-a-kind experiences. We are blessed by all we get to do because of Disney.

Rebecca Bryant is always a Disney kid at heart

 Your moniker on social media changed over time. You landed on The Mobility Mom a while back. What inspired that choice?

The Mobility Mom was born out of my journey of self-healing and discovery. As I worked to heal my inner self and to get healthy I realized I wanted to be true to who I was and in order to do that I had to embrace who I was and that was a mom who struggled with mobility. I was also a mom who loved to travel, experience life, and enjoyed being with friends. So after lots of thought, I decided it was time to not only share my struggles but to share my passion for life and well The Mobility Mom was born. Not only do I want to inspire moms to live life fully but I want to help them find ways to embrace their personal passions while living with a mobility struggle. 

 I love everything about this!


What are your long-term goals both personally and professionally?

 My goals personally are to continue to grow, learn and become the best version of me I can be. Professionally, I want to continue to grown my client list for Disney travel as well as fulfill my dreams of writing resource guides to help people do Disney. I would also love to publish a poetry book one day. 

Rebecca Bryant with Bo Peep in front of Potato Head at Toy Story

Anything to add? Any advice to share?

 The best advice I can give is advice someone once gave me from a quote and that is โ€œThereโ€™s no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let others get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.โ€ I think so many of us get caught up in trying to be someone we are notโ€ฆwhen what we should be doing is letting people see us as we are imperfect humans.

By seeing us embrace and love our imperfections we inspire others to so. 


How did you meet Traci?

 I met Traci online through mutual bloggers many years ago. Since then I have become a huge fan of hers and hope to one day meet her in person for a hug and cup of coffee.

And I canโ€™t wait! You can find Rebecca at themobilitymom.com and @themobilitymom on all platforms. Please give her a follow, you wonโ€™t regret it!