
I was preparing.

I was training.

I was getting ready.

I was, well you know…

I was ready to rumble.

And then I got Covid. Insert record scratch here and my time in the ring was thwarted.

The following is a sponsored post.
All opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.

Eyeing the Ring

You see Wubble has added two new WWE challengers to my home. Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton have moved into “MY HOUSE!” and I was looking to take them down. Smackdown!

Except something bigger than either of those dudes did a smackdown on me.

Okay, so I took the hyperboles to the limit. Maybe past the limit with Rocky, but goodness knows this girl never eyed a literary device she didn’t love to death. See, I just did it again. I am a woman on fire. Out of control. Somebody stop me, please!

So I did what any great wrestler would do. I pulled a tag team.

Gryffindor vs. Bryan and Orton

Gryffindor vs. Bryan and Orton

And as you can see, despite being double teamed by Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton, the Gryffindor was up to the challenge.

Big Names, Big Fun

Seriously though, the Wubble Bubble and other toys have been staples in our home for years now and they never disappoint. Teen Boy may not be the Toy Model that he was, yet he never turns down an opportunity to play, Er… I. mean “pose” with the latest fun offering. In fact, he was pretty jealous of the one I saved for myself.

Meet Hulk — the Covid Avenger

Along with the WWE offerings, Wubble has Marvel characters now and I decided I needed an Avenger!

And who can beat Hulk?!?

My Covid buddy - Hulk, the ultimate health avenger

My Covid buddy - Hulk, the ultimate health avenger

So who says Wubble Rumblers are just for kids? Certainly not I.

Over lockdown, I shared how the Wubble Rumblers helped us with cabin fever. I still believe that they are great ways to get physical exercise and (with two kids with anxiety and attention issues) help with mental release.

So there is only one thing left to say…


Back to School Finds


Olympic Training, Mommy-Style