You’re here.
That makes you a star.
You ready to #shinebrightly?
Yeah, me too!
Come see me at the place:
A Star in My Universe

A Monday Mindset Reset
Many of us struggle with a feeling of lack. It affects everything we do, even things that have nothing to do with money. This feeling can show up in the work we do. It can cause us to make penny-wise, pound-foolish, or “limiting” choices.

Finance Friday — Because I’m Worth It
The easiest way, therefore, to make an expensive product attractive is to lower the price. But, sometimes a discount isn’t the right play. Whether you refuse to lower the quality of materials or your shipping costs just doubled, a higher price tag doesn’t have to scare customers away. It’s important we know our value and let our product shine, even without a sale sign.

Give the Greenlight
The Greenlight Card gives my teens financial independence without losing all my parental control. It’s the definition for win-win in our home!