A Star in My Own Universe

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A Star Review #2 -- Mommy Meditations

Star Reviews ButtonHave I mentioned lately that I love blogging?One of the reasons I love blogging is the wonderful opportunities I have had to meet people, to learn about something that they believe in, their goals and dreams for that project, and sometimes when I am super lucky... participate in some way.I was contacted by Mommy Meditations about writing a review for their new CD. Filled with guided meditations, "MOMtras", and beautiful music, it targets the new mom as she faces the inevitable changes physically, emotionally, and spiritually following birth.Now I am a ways from that difficult time as my younger child is three but I remember those tough days. So I was open to listening to the CD and seeing if it was something that I would recommend.First, I wanted to learn about the people behind the CD. In a press release, the story of Mommy Meditations was shared. As new parents, Devin Bailey and his wife faced the daunting likelihood of post-partum depression. Wanting to be proactive and to address the issue with other tools besides drugs, they researched their options. They found Dr. Kerri S. Parks, OB-GYN and formed a bond and partnership that led to the creation of Mommy Meditations.Dr. Parks is the voice of Mommy Meditations. Her voice is so perky that at the top I wondered if this woman could have an understanding of the depths of despair that can follow even the most desired child. Well, this is a woman who knows from what she speaks. A survivor of post-partum depression herself and a tremendous tragedy in the last days of her fourth pregnancy, she has experienced the highs and lows of motherhood. She shares much of her story on the CD in her introduction or you can learn more here.So the people behind the CD had me intrigued but would I be inspired? Would this little CD help an overwhelmed, frazzled, sleep-deprived woman? While no longer a mother of a newborn, I fit much of that description. So I feel that I can speak with some authority on the quality of the CD.After Dr. Parks shares her personal story, she introduces the concept and what the listener should expect from the upcoming meditation. Now I have a confession, I have never been  good at meditation (which arguably makes me a great candidate for this review) so I appreciated this preparation. She then leads the listener through a guided exercise focusing on relaxing each part of the body starting with the toes.It is hard for me to maintain focus in this arena but Dr. Parks addresses this tendency by encouraging the listener to notice how they are feeling honestly. Do you feel sweaty? Is the position uncomfortable? The meditation felt patient for lack of a better word. Simply put, I didn't feel guilty for my distracting thoughts. I was drawn back in and redirected.After the meditation, there are a series of mantras called "Momtras". She encourages the listener to say them aloud but acknowledges that this might not be possible. This is the part of the CD that I enjoyed most. Even as a mother of  school-age and preschool-age children, I have moments (many) of feeling inadequate, anxious, and frustrated. Few of the Momtras are directed at mothers of infants. They are simply good reminders to all mothers.The Momtras stress the value of mothers in their children's lives. The importance in caring for themselves and appreciating where they are in that moment. What mother doesn't need that?The CD ends with music to be played during meditation or anytime to soothe. I listened to it in the car while my children were debating the existence of unicorns in the Batman world. Now there's a moment that needs a little calming influence.So back to the original question -- would I be inspired? The short answer is yes. I especially liked the emphasis on being in control of my emotions if not always my situation. More than that, I like the perspective that Mommy Meditations brings. It is not attempting to replace drugs when they are needed. Dr. Parks in her introduction and in her Momtras validates the need of some woman to seek medical help during this time.I needed anti-depressants for a while after my daughter. I will acknowledge that right now. And like many, I have been bothered by those celebrities and doctors alike that suggest that vitamins and deep breathing is all that is needed to rise above what they deem "baby blues". I would, however, have loved other tools in my box to help me be the best wife, mother, and human I could. That is what Mommy Meditations offers and I believe that it reaches this goal well.So would I recommend it to my friends? Yes. And that of course means you.I received no compensation for this post. Mommy Meditations provided me with the CD for the purpose of review only. The opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.