I Felt the Earth Move

Did you feel it? Yesterday? That giant tremor that shook through the very core of the Earth? You didn't? I guess it was just me.My earth shook. Hard. Why? It has something to do with this face.

My Sonny-Bunny turned seven. No longer my baby. He`is quickly transitioning out of little boy to big boy. So yes, I felt the shift. The giant seismic plate shift.My little boy who has begun to pepper his speech with "totally awesome", "way fun", and "no way, Jose!". My little boy who still crawls in bed with me when he is awakened by his nightmares but doesn't want me to give him a kiss -- just hugs. My little boy who fundamentally rewrote the map of my life. My little boy who has made me life more meaningful than I ever dreamed. My not-so-little-boy who is growing everyday and causing me to grow everyday, as well.I love you, Sonny-Bunny.


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


A Star Giveaway -- A Bootyful Prize (Closed)