A Star in My Own Universe

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A Love Letter

Ode to Halloween CandyYour bright packaging draws my eyeOrange, black, silver, and goldI try to look away but a glint of lightCatches on your cellophane and foil"Come to me", you call"No", I say. "I need you not"."You do need me. You know you do!""I shouldn't", I say. But even as I say these words,I look down to find you in my hands.Feeling much like Alice in her Rabbit Hole"Eat Me", is what you seem to say.Unlike Alice, I know which way I will growBigger and bigger and bigger"It's only once a year. Surely, it's okay..."The wrapper crinkles in my hand. It tempts my very core.As I feel the package tear into two, the chocolate grazes..."Mommy. May I have a piece of candy?""Of course, dear. Please take this one"Aah. Disaster averted. (Until next year).