A Star in My Own Universe

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If It's Tuesday, It Must Be Poetry

The amazing Mrs. Scribe over at The Scholastic Scribe is throwing down some verse in the name of a Poetry Slam. I couldn't resist joining in but I offer this warning -- "Read at Your Own Risk!"Dream InterruptedThe light clicks. On.I blink.A lasered rectangle is cutInto the darknessWhile a Fantasia of dustDances in the stripes of light.The door opensWashing me fully outOf golden slumbersBathing me inIts harsh brass light.Click.Newly blind, I feelYour arms encase me.“Shhh. Go back to sleep.It’s not time to wake,” youWhisper. I settle back intoYour arms. My eyes flutter closed.A shrill beep throws me intoThe waking world.I sit up, eyes glazedYou snore at my side.“Ah! “ I say to myself.“It was all a dream”.Happy Tuesday, everyone!