When I Was Young

My son said the cutest thing yesterday. He said "Mommy, Remember when I was young". He noticed that I stifled a giggle so in his growing seven year old awareness, he said, "I mean when I was younger".I love that he already has an awareness of his growing, changing perspective on his world. It inspired me to think about my life "when I was young". Because a lot has changed.The first thought that came to mind was the change in the value of time. In some ways, time was much, much slower or at least, much more laid back. My mom used to tell me to go play and to not come back until it got dark. The sun was my clock. On Sunday afternoons, we went for drives. There was no destination. No one could reach us via phone. My parents weren't multi-tasking with email, texting, etc. No. Time had a laziness to it that is not so prevalent today.But there was also an urgency to certain events that doesn't exist today. I remember getting up at 4:30 in the morning to watch Princess Diana wed Prince Charles. There was no DVR. We didn't even have a VCR then. If you didn't watch it then, you missed it. I have to say that while I have an unnatural love for my DVR (I never watch anything live anymore!), the shows we watched had more value back then. If I was in trouble and not allowed to watch TV, it was a BIG deal. That episode of Laverne & Shirley or Eight is Enough wasn't rolling around again until the summer re-run season! Now if my children miss something, we can simply search for additional airings  or check the Internet. And truthfully, there is so much (read: TOO much) available to them that it is hard to think that they would feel the loss.When I was young, I was a lot more independent. I rode my bike to my best friend's house which was over a mile away -- by a bayou and off a major road! And not only was that okay with my mom but my best friend did it in reverse. And it was common practice in the neighborhood. Most sunny afternoons, there was more bikes on the road than cars. Now I take my son to a track to learn to ride a bike. With a helmet, of course.And when my mom wanted to run into a store for a minute, she left us in the car. If it was hot, she rolled down the windows. Again, absolutely normal. If I did that, I would probably receive a home visit from CPS. Certainly, I would be accosted to by anyone witnessing that action.When I was young, I could fit all my toys in a single toy box. My kids have multiple sorted bins full of toys. When I was young, a Happy Meal came with a cookie. Now it comes with a toy. An ever-changing toy. A toy that inspires cries for trips to McDonalds on an almost constant basis.Indeed, there was a lot that was different. But there is still a lot that is the same. When I was young, my mom's hugs were my favorite hugs. And my Dad's lap was the safest place in the world. And when I was young, I knew that my Mom and Dad loved me more than life itself. And I hope that when my children grow up, they will say the same.And in some time, my son might say, "Mommy, remember when I was young, I was your favorite little boy" and I'll say "Yes, son and some things never change".


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