A Star's Year in Review

Holy New Year, Batman! 2010 is ending. In a little over twelve hours, the clock will tick 12:01 and 2011 will be ushered into my life.So here I stand again looking at the past year and taking score. When it comes down to me and time, time always wins! For the record, my closet is a mess, my French has not improved, and no, my kids did not hear a book every night. My thighs still meet in the middle. I have dropped off my children at school with wet hair and bags under my eyes that could have carried a family of four to Europe for two weeks. I have allowed stress to take over at times and yes, I yelled. I used credit cards and I didn't save two months worth of expenses.But I am looking at 2010 as the year I did a little better.I actually finished reading three books for myself (not the 20+ that I desired but an accomplishment, nonetheless!). I found time for myself . Not enough, but some.I took classes in writing so I allowed people not related to me see some of my writing and one piece will be produced as a monologue in a student production this coming Spring!I did exercise most days. Not as much as I wanted but I did more than last year.I actually cooked this year. Not most days (thank goodness for my husband!), a lot from boxes (thank goodness for Hamburger Helper), and definitely not all organic! But I did actually turn on a burner and create an edible meal more than once! Not a single case of food poisoning! For those of you who know me, a HUGE accomplishment.My blog got inconsistent love and attention from me. I successfully transferred over from 38 and Growing and many of you came with me (thanks, Thanks, THANKS!) and I got a wonderful blogging gig as a Dr. Smith's Premium Parent. But life in the real world has been challenging (Read: Butt-kicking!) and at times, I have ignored my little creation, entered less than perfect posts, and sadly, I have not visited my dear friends as often as I would like.So now I look to next year (now less than seven hours away -- there have been a few interruptions in the typing of this entry). What do I want for 2011?I adore the new year. I adore a blank calendar and the concept of a clean start. My head runs with all the things that I am going to do as if somehow the dawn of this January will be different from the preceding 30-something. I won't bore you with the list, you probably have similar things that include food, exercise, debt, and organization.But facing all those beautiful white square of the calendar, I do have things that I want. In the year that I turn 40, I want:1) I want to be kinder to others. I want to see my fellow life travelers through the eyes of warmth and understanding. I want to remember the log in my eye before I see the twig in others. While I rarely use harsh words, I hold judgment in my heart and I want to let that go this year.2) I want to learn to see myself through kinder eyes. I want to see myself for what I accomplish, not what I didn't. I want to measure myself by the needs of my husband and children, not some arbitrary and irrationally impossible standard of perfection.3) I want to be a better friend. That goes for my friends IRL and on-line. I want to listen better with an open heart and with mental focus. Too often, I spend phone calls with friends multi-tasking, I read my friend's posts while watching the news, or spend actual face time with friends mentally reliving the day before or planning the next. In fact, what I want...4) What I really want is to be more present in my life. I want to use all the wonderful technology in my life as tools, not distractions. I want to spend my days moving toward what I want, not running from what I don't want. I want to live my vision and practice my dreams. I have no guarantee of a 2012 so I want to truly live 2011.But most of all, what I want is a safe, healthy, and joyful new year for my friends and family. I wish you and yours, precious time with those you love, health to enjoy that time, and a good dose of humor when you don't!So to you, I raise a glass and wish you a very happy 2011. Cheers!Auld Lang SyneRobert BurnsShould auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotand days of auld lang syne?For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syneWe twa hae run aboot the braesAnd pou'd the gowans fine;we've wander'd mony a weary footSin' auld lang syneWe two hae paidled i' the burn,Frae mornin' sun till dine;But seas between us braid hae roar'dSin' auld lang syneAnd here's a hand, my trusty friend,And gie's a hand o' thine;We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syneShould auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotand days of auld lang syne?For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syne


A Star's Start to the Year


And So Happy Christmas...