I Am a Hypocrite

Okay, I admit it. I am a Hypocrite with a capital H. "Hello, Kettle. Have you met, Pot? Why, yes. Yes, I have."I spend a lot of energy and time telling my family that I need help around the house. I look at the things that need to be done and wonder why I seem to be the only one willing/capable/interested in doing them. And I feel put upon. Very put upon. Sometimes even desperate.So you would think that in that state of desperation, I would grasp hungrily at the crumbs of effort that my children and husband provide. You might think that. You would be wrong.I wish it were true. I do. I wish that I could just let go. But I don't.Why? Because I have standards. Ridiculous standards. Stupid standards. So if they are ridiculous, stupid even, why don't I kick them down the street like the can in The Twilight Zone?That, ladies and gentlemen, is the Million Dollar Question. If phrased in the form of a question, it would be Final Jeopardy. Dick Clark is talking while my back is to the big pyramid. You get the picture? Oh. You got it a couple of metaphors ago. I know. But I never met a metaphor that I didn't like!So back to the point, pre-metaphor. I need help. A lot. But why don't I ask my husband to fold the clothes? I mean, he can do that with a broken leg. Well, it might have to do with the fact that he seems incapable of folding a towel the same way twice. He has this bizarre method that excludes matching edges and includes an origami style worthy of a master.See, I fold the towels in half making sure that the edges are lined up. Fold again (again ensuring that all edges are lined up) and then do a tri-fold which makes the towels sit very neatly on the shelves. My towels may be old but they are neat in there. His do not sit neatly. But if they are clean, out of the basket, and in the linen closet, why do I care?I don't know. Well, I suspect that it has to do with parents, and old insecurities, and so on and so forth, but the why doesn't really matter. because it needs to stop. Because right now, I can't do it all. I have two children, a new puppy with serious potty-training issues, and a husband on crutches. I am failing miserably and I need to allow people to help me.So I am starting today. My kids may stuff their clothes in their drawers as long as they get them to their drawers. My husband can fold the towels like a foil swan with Chinese leftovers, as long as he folds them. And maybe, just maybe, if I do that I might find a little time to do something besides worry about what still needs to be done!P.S. My thoughts and prayers still run to Arizona. Also, today marks the anniversary of the tragic Haitian earthquake, the Haitians, as well as the people struggling with floods in Australia, remain in my heart.


Up In Smoke


An American Tragedy