I am soooo 2008...

Or maybe even 2007.I couldn't sleep last night. And despite the fact that I pay WAY too much for cable (I am looking at you -- AT&T U-Verse), there was seemingly nothing on at 3:30 am. Now what is the point of cable if it leaves an insomniac alone with her thoughts?Despite what Nate and Oprah say, I need a TV when I can't sleep. And last night, I needed something other than Paid Programming. I don't want to know about how the latest Stem Cell Research has now created a better skin cream. Or how Liposene can replace liposuction. Or how the latest celebrity's use of a mineral powder has changed her life.So as I clicked through the myriad of sponsored programming, I clicked onto  something called The Hills. Now many of you may already be aware of this pseudo-reality show starring Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag. And no, I haven't been completely under a rock. I had heard of Lauren Conrad and her line of clothing with Kohls, and unfortunately, I had heard of some creature called "Speidi". But I am not much of a reality TV girl (and I am a solid decade out of the target demographic) so I managed to miss this entire show.Well, in my delirium, I got sucked into this show during the four-episode arc that was playing during the wee hours. It was from the first season. And I was struck by two things (as much as you can be struck by anything stretched out on a couch watching four year old television).First off, I am old. I looked at these kids and found them ridiculously shallow. There was so little drive. So little work ethic. I know they are young but I was still shocked. I hate to use the phrase, "when I was their age", but when I was their age, I knew what I wanted and I was willing to work for it. Some of these kids seem so lost.I couldn't help watching the show from the perspective of a parent. How did these kids end up like this? How did their parents feel watching this show? Because I would be sad if my kids had this view of life and love.But I was most shocked by the appearance of Heidi. Fan of reality TV or no (Rachel Zoe does not count!), it was impossible to escape the plastic surgery fiasco of last year. And as I am watching the show, I am thinking how pretty this girl was. Why did she feel compelled to have any surgery, much less an Extreme Makeover style overhaul?I know these are the ramblings of someone who has gotten very little sleep, but I still find it sad. And as I am several years behind this curve, you may wonder why I bothered writing. But I believe that while art imitates life, life sometimes imitates art (or what MTV passes off as art) and I don't want my kids thinking this is reality. Or fantasy. Or anything worth celebrating.Okay, okay, okay. I never saw a soap box I didn't like. Here's the sad part. I didn't turn  it off. I just watched mindlessly. And truthfully, if I can't sleep next Saturday night, you might find me watching the next four episode arc. Because you know I am so 2008.


I Only Thought the Earth Below Me Was Shaky


Oops, I Did It Again