A Star in My Own Universe

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A or B? It's Not a Multiple Choice Test

Type A or Type B?I'm talking types but not blood. I'm talking personalities.Are you Type A or are you Type B?personality, Type A, Type BType A is usually associated with hard-driving, ambitious people and Type B is most often used to label more easy-going, relaxed types. Here in the U.S., we tend to celebrate "Type A"s. We often associate it with winners -- people who have a singular focus and who are willing to do what it takes.  The Moguls. The Stars. The CEOs."Type B"s don't get the same respect. Rather than seeing them as people who see life in balance, breathing in life and responding with appropriate effort and energy, we stamp them with the face of Sean Penn as Jeff Spicoli in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High". Someone who takes life so easy that they have no drive, no forward momentum.Basically in the race of life, the "A"s have it. they are circling the final laps just as the "B"s start their engines.Interestingly, however, I learned that Type A was a label applied to people with higher risk for heart attack. While the science of these studies has been questioned and the theory has fallen out of favor, the Types have remained a part of our general knowledge lexicon.  But not in the manner originally intended.I am not a Type A but I always thought that I should be. I've wanted a singular focus that makes me an undeniable success. None of this" successful upon examination" stuff for me. I want that "everyone is obviously green with envy" success.  (Or I thought I did.)I am pretty sure, however, that I am NOT a Type B either. I certainly stress and worry over things that I shouldn't. I tend to glance at the forest and never see the trees. The number of roses that I have passed and not smelt would have exceeded the floral budget of the recent Royal Wedding. When I do stop for a moment, there is a constant to-do list still running through my brain.Do I possess only the worst of each personality type?Is there a Type C? I have always been a Square Peg and I guess this is no exception. As usual, I don't seem to fit the check box. A Charlotte who wants to be a Carrie. On a Scantron test, I would be looking for a "None of the Above" option.So tell me, are you an "A" or a "B"? Or are you like me -- should we start the "C"s?