Friday Fragments #4 -- Star Fragments

So my brain is fragmented, if not addled. Therefore, it seems appropriate to join in Friday Fragments.I will start with some thank yous.  And by thank yous, I mean overdue thank yous. Some are waaaaaay overdue!Thank you to Renee from Livin' Our Dash. She was kind enough to give me the Stylish Blogger Award and I am rude enough to just be acknowledging her properly. Thank you, Renee. I am so sorry to be so late.

Renee is a lovely blogger that is recording her family's adventures as they use the world around them to educate their kiddos. Great lady. Great blog. Please check her out!Another thank you goes to the team at Tribal Blogs, especially Jennifer. I won a membership to Tribal Blogs --- yay!yay!yay!!! I've been an absent member these last couple of weeks, but I'll be back. (I would have referenced Arnold with that phrase but he's on my s*$t list right now, so I'll leave out the pop culture fun.)My final thank you is to Erica over at The Hale Mom. She held a giveaway of Scott Paper Product's new Natural line. As a mother of two young children, there is always a need for the paper -- most especially TP. We received the huge box from Fed Ex and I was un-Nature-ally excited by this win. Thanks Erica and thanks Scott!So after finally passing on these thanks, I will pass on the other fragments floating around this fightening landscape known as my brain.First off, I need to replace my phone. It took a terrible tumble a couple of months ago and over time, my screen has been dissolving. But what to get? What to do? I am up for renewal with AT&T. As The Clash once said, "Should I stay or should I go?". And I have had an iPhone. I like it but I hear good things about the Android. Any thoughts? Anyone? Anyone? (Again, I would have added the Bueller reference but Ben Stein is on my s*$t list, as well. Man, these guys are messing with my pithy commentary. S*$t!!!)I am obsessed with the Casey Anthony trial. This is not healthy. This beautiful little girl was just a year older than my beautiful little girl. I sit and watch the live court feed. I look at pictures of a smiling, lively little angel. It makes me sick. I don't know what happened that day or to that little girl but I can say that something very wrong befell that angel. I wish I could turn away but every time I sit down to fold clothes or pick up my laptop, I find myself tuning in to the trial.This isn't like me. I watch a little reality TV. Mostly shows like The Biggest Loser and Rachel Zoe -- basically silly indulgence television. But this isn't "reality", this is real. And it is not indulgence. I just feel compelled to find out what happened to this little girl.I mentioned my s*$t list earlier. There is nothing new to say about Mr. Schwaznegger. I think Cokey Roberts put it best on "This Week". She was sitting next to her husband and basically said that he would not be sitting there if he had done such a thing to him. He would be dead. I basically said the same to my husband.Also on my list is the abysmal way that Ben Stein injected himself into the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case. As I stated above with Casey Anthony, I do not know what happened in that hotel room, but neither does he. To assert that economists can't be rapists and to assume that hotel staff are not morally equivalent to them was ignorant and did not reflect the educated man that we know Mr. Stein to be. His immediate discredit of the alleged victim was just wrong. Victims of sexual abuse often don't come forward for this very reason and the effect of such a public statement is chilling. I have often disagreed with Mr. Stein's politics and views but I have always respected him. In fact, in a Friday Fragments  last fall, I republished a beautiful commentary he made on CBS Sunday Morning. So, I am very saddened by these statements. I feel compelled to say, "Shame on you, Ben Stein. Shame on you".So are you Fragmented this week. If so, check out Mrs. 4444s over at Half Past Kissin' Time. Thanks again to Mrs. 4444s for hosting.

Half-Past Kissin' Time

Happy Friday everyone!!!


An Inadequate Thank You


Reality Bites???