I Could Have Danced All Night...

So I auditioned today. In fact, it is my third audition in as many weeks. Which has been great. But today was something special.I don't know if I will get the role or not but it felt amazing. It was electrifying and reminded of why I became an actress in the first place. I brought my "A" game which I have at times feared that time has ravaged to a "D" or worse.And this is a role on my "Bucket List". A life-long dream role that I feared I would outgrow. I do have a couple of fingers crossed (and a pair of toes -- couldn't hurt, right?)So, thanks to all of you who stopped by and told me to go for it. We'll see what happens but I can honestly say that I went "all in" and have no regrets. Not a bad way to close in on 4-0, if I don't say so myself.10 Days and Counting...


The Waiting Game


The Sound of Silence