It's Hard to Win a Marathon One Lap at a Time

Sometimes I feel like I can conquer the world.  I feel like I am ready to tackle all obstacles life (and two kids) have to throw me. I feel like I can "be all I can be" and finally become the person that Oprah says I that I should.  `But most days I don't. Most days I feel like I run life in small circles. I want to break free and run the marathon of my life but instead I am stuck running around a track. I keep thinking that if I can only run the track a little faster, a little more efficiently then I can start the long distance run.In other words, I keep thinking that if I could just get organized, if I could just get a system than I would have time to write like I want. I'd have time for myself. I could be more involved with my kids and be more fulfilled.But here's the problem. Before I can tackle the large project, I have to recover from daily living. Dishes have to be washed every day. Clothes have to be washed. Floors must be swept. Toilets cleaned on a semi-annual basis. You get the picture. So when all that has been accomplished, the day is half gone and I am already tired.Now with the remaining time/energy, I can begin world domination (or at least a modicum of control in my own life). But where to start? Should I sit down and finally write that post that has been bouncing around my head? But no, I still have so many blogs to visit. I shouldn't post without returning the visits. But now I see the basket bursting with clothes still not put away from our trip. I really should deal with that. Because I can't relax when surrounded by clutter. Oh, and there is that pile of receipts to be sorted that make my desk a paper graveyard rather than a deeply desired writing nook.And oh my goodness, it's time to fix dinner. And the dryer is beeping. And soon it will be bath time. And stories and bed.  And then I'll start the whole thing over tomorrow. I'm still running circles. Around and around. I should be in really good shape when I do get to that marathon.


Recharging My Batteries


But You Did Win Silver