A Star in My Own Universe

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Where I Am From...

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Unknown Mami, shared where she was from and I thought it was so neat. Then it was an assignment for a writing class that I am taking which was a wild coincidence. So I thought that I would share with you Where I Am From...I am from Doug and Cindy, Big Mama and Big Daddy.I am from Germans and Mics, Scots and Poms.I am from Southern charm and East Texas drawls – three syllable yous, y’alls, cuz’s, wuz’s and fixing to’s.I am from bath water beaches and ice cold rivers.I am from suburbs, station wagons, cul-de-sacs, and neighborhood pools.I am from Sweet Tea and margaritas with salt. Shake and Bake, cinnamon toast, and Blue Bell.I am from “Young America” whose love of video killed the radio star.I am from strong and silent men. Stronger and less silent women.