A Star in My Own Universe

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I Will Never Forget... Pt 2

9/11, Twin TowersIf you missed Part One,  please go here.I was up in the West 90's and my cell phone started ringing.My best friend called, "Where are you? Are you safe? You should never have moved to New York!""I don't know. I don't know! I'm okay but I don't know what's going on. I have to go. That's David on the other line...""Call me back. Let me know you're okay!"


My husband again, "I can't cross any of the bridges. The city is cut off! Can you get to the Bronx? I think I can get to the Bronx but it will take a while...""I'm in the 90's, should I walk North? If you can get there. I can get there. There's a small bridge but I hear people are walking across the Brooklyn Bridge.""Wait to hear from me. Let me find out if I can get there. Everything is crazy and it's hard to find out anything. Keep your phone on!""That's my Dad. I'll call you back..."


"Hi, Daddy.""Hi. Are you okay?""Yeah, Daddy.  I'm okay.... "Silence."I'm scared, Daddy.""I know.""I want to come home (Houston).""We'll talk about that later.  Let's just get you back to your apartment.""I'm trying, Daddy, but they've cut off everything. The bridges, the trains... everything. I'm stuck here.""Do you have any friends close by?""My friend, E, lives down in the 50's. And M lives in Chelsea.""Start walking to the 50s. Call your friends. Be with someone...""Okay, Daddy. I love you.""I love you, too.""I have to go now, Daddy. I need to save my battery..."Now that I have started writing, I am realizing how much happened in such a short time. I'm going to keep writing this month and finally get it out. So much of this I have never told or have only told in pieces in parts to different people. I hope I do it justice and I hope I don't bore you in the process.