All Soul's Day

The days surrounding Halloween often make me think about the world beyond the one we see. I do believe that there is something more than this. I think most of us do.  And I believe that I have had an experience that proves it.My brother died when I was twenty-five. Those of you who have been with me a while know this. The truth is, however, that I had very little time to mourn. At the beginning, there was a great deal to be done and my parents were in no shape to do those things. My youngest brother was still in high school so it fell to me to make many of the calls and arrangements. After that, well to be honest, I was busy.I was in focus mode. I wanted to go to Acting school. My auditions were in February and nothing was going to stop me. Every bit of emotion, pain, and energy went like a laser into the preparation. And I was successful. I got into one of my dream schools and in the following fall, I moved to San Francisco to begin my new life.But unfinished business has a way of catching up with us, doesn't it? The day after my brother died, I went into his room to say goodbye. He had two silver rings that he wore on a daily basis. My youngest brother and I decided that we would each keep one. So I took my favorite and looked around. I realized that this ring was the only thing I really wanted.I wore that ring everyday thereafter. There was a problem, however. It was a men's ring and it didn't really fit well. It was a little too big for my ring finger and a little tight on my middle finger. I would mostly wear it on the tight finger but occasionally it would start to bother me and I would switch it to the other finger. It would spin a little on that finger and I was always afraid that I might lose it.Well, one day that fear was realized. I can't remember just how it was I noticed that it was gone. I looked down and my fingers were bare. I searched and searched. I opened every drawer, unzipped every pocket, and turned every metaphorical stone. The ring was nowhere.I cried for days. I continued looking, as did my husband, although it was obvious that it was lost forever. Finally, when it was clear that all hope should be abandoned, I made a deal with God."Dear God, if you will let me have the ring back, I swear that I will never wear it again. Just let me have it back and I will keep it forever."That was my prayer. I went to bed that night. I got up the next morning. I went to school. And I came home for dinner. Sitting in the center of the kitchen table, clear as day as they say, was the ring. It wasn't under anything. It was alone.I immediately ran to my husband and hugged him. "When did you find it? Where did you find it?"He looked at me like I had lost my mind. He had no idea of what I was speaking. And no, he wasn't lying. I know my husband and I can tell. He was as honestly shocked as I.No. that ring appeared. It was the answer to my prayer. And it sits unworn in a special box where it has sat for 15 years. Where it will stay for many more, I will never break my promise.I believe this was my brother's way of getting me to let go. In that week of the missing ring, I did more mourning than in the entire year before. He wanted me to let go and I wasn't. I would've worn that ring forever and I would never have let him go. I believe that with all my heart.Have you had an experience that you can't explain?


Sundays in My City #17 -- Nature Rules


Wordless Wednesday #16 -- Trick or Treat