Words of Wisdom, Take Two

I had so much fun sharing the crazy things that my kids had to say that I thought I would share a little more of the wisdom I receive daily.Seemingly after seeing a commercial, my daughter calls me into the living room.Little Diva: Mommy! Mommy!Me: (tripping as I ran in because obviously it's an emergency) What, baby? What's wrong?LD: You need to get hanes.Me: (catching my breath) What?LD: You need to get hanes.Me: Hanes? What's hanes, baby?LD: Hanes. Panties. They won't ride up.Whether that is a statement on my panty lines, I do not know. It seems, however, that this was of deep concern for her. From my Sonny-Bunny comes this perspective on growing up.SB: Mommy, I'm eight now.Me: I know. You're growing up so fast!SB: I know! I'm half an adult.Me: Really, half an adult? Don't rush growing up, buddy.SB: Well, now that I think of it, I'm really half a teenager. The other night, we were all out for dinner and without any previous prompting, my daughter announced:"Mommy and Daddy, if you were killed by a Bad Guy, I would be really angry."(Good to know, right?)She furthered... "I would become a Super-hero and I would fight them!"So watch out, Bad Guys, a new angry Super-hero is waiting in the wings! And that's my shot of wisdom to start your week off right. Tune in for future wisdom. 


Shining the Star-Light #6 -- Texas Road House


Shining the Star-Light #5 -- Veterans Day Wrap-Up