Please Celebrate Me Home

This weekend, my family and I will be enduring enjoying a marathon Christmas family gathering. Over the two days, we will break bread with extended family from both sides of my family. I love my family and I certainly love Christmas, so why is it that there is always so much stress surrounding such events?We put such expectations on ourselves and others. This has always been true but I feel that it expands exponentially  when children are thrown in the mix. Take kids off their schedule, have them stay in beds not their own, and make them wait for meals and presents. How is that a recipe for anything other than tantrum disaster? Add to that a Momma (me) that is terrified of being embarrassed in front of said relatives and the overly-taut string is bound to pop!I heard this song, earlier, and it reminded me why I even bother. I bother because we only have our family and friends in this life for a short time. And we should celebrate them. Celebrate what makes them different from us and let them celebrate the same. It's not about ideally coiffed children looking like postcard perfection so the great-grandmother doesn't tsk-tsk. It's remembering that the same great-grandmother was once a mom. It's not about the Martha Stewart presented table or even the food on it, but that one time of year that everyone is around that table.I know these are not new sensibilities but sometimes, I remember anew. That is a good thing. So today, as my family and I return home to my parents, I want to remember to celebrate me home, because who knows where we will be next year or with whom. Life acts fast and change is the only constant. I raise my glass with my smile. (I may raise a few times more, just saying...) Cheers! Home for the holidays,I believe I've missed each and every face,Come on and play my music,Let's turn on the love light in the placeIt's time I found myself,Totally surrounded in your circlesWhoa, my friendsPlease, celebrate me home,Give me a number,Please, celebrate me homePlay me one more song,That I'll always remember,And I can recall,Whenever I find myself too all alone,I can sing me home.Uneasy highway,Traveling where the Westerly winds can fly,Somebody tried to tell me,But the men forgot to tell me why,I gotta count on being gone,Come on woman, come on daddy,Be what you want from me,I'm this strong, I'll be weakPlease, celebrate me home,Give me a number,Please, celebrate me homePlay me one more song,That I'll always remember,I can recall,Whenever I find myself too all alone,I can make believe I've never gone,I never know where I belong,Sing me home.Please, celebrate me home,Give me a number,Please, celebrate me homePlay me one more song,Celebrate, celebrateCelebrate, celebrateCelebrate, celebrateCelebrate me homePlease, celebrate me home,Please, celebrate me home,Well I'm finally here,But I'm bound to roam,Come on celebrate me homeWell I'm finally here,But I'm bound to roam,Come on celebrate me homeWell I'm finally here,But I'm bound to roam,Come on celebrate me homePlease, celebrate me home,Please, celebrate me home,Please, celebrate me home,Please, celebrate me home,Please, celebrate me home,Please, celebrate me home,


The Best Christmas Present Ever...


Wordless Wednesday #17 -- (A Not-So) Frosty the Snowman