A Star in My Own Universe

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The Spirit of Christmas

I'm sorry that this elf has been too long on the shelf and not out spreading the cheer. I have been without a laptop! Add to that a shoulder injury and I'm out of commission. I've been trying to sneak in visits when possible but as of late, I haven't even been able to post here.That hasn't stopped my kiddos from enjoying the spirit of the season, however. Or me vicariously. I thought I would share a few thoughts on the holiday from their perspective.My children were in the car discussing the "Real" meaning of Christmas. And by discussing, I mean arguing. Yes-arguing. Just what Jesus would want. Two children squabbling over his birth. Santa probably didn't appreciate it either. But you might, so here goes...Little Diva: Mommy, I know the real meaning of Christmas.Sonny-Bunny: So do I, Mommy.Me: Wonderful! What is it?LD: Giving!SB: Nooooo! It's about Jesus' birth! It's not about gifts.LD: Jesus is about giving, silly..,SB: Mom! Tell her Christmas is about Jesus' birth!LD: Tell him it's about giving!(Repeat above three to four times loudly)Me: You're both right! For goodness sake, you are both right. Christmas is about Jesus' birth, SB. But LD is also right as Jesus was a gift to the world.SB and LD (simultaneously): Told you so.That tells you volumes about my two children. One is hyper-literal and one basks in mystery. My son is a "just the facts, ma'am" guy and my daughter wraps herself in drama and majesty. So the two heard the same story, understood it well but through their own spectacles. I don't think they ever got how they could both be right.On another note, my son saw a Santa at an event. He leans into me and says, "Mommy, he must be one of Santa's helpers". I asked why. "He is not very jolly and not very fat". What can I say he's a Santa expert!If I'm slow to visit, please forgive. Hopefully Santa will bring me a new power cord and a new back in my stocking.Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all!