I Remember...

I remember...Phones that actually rang. They were connected to a wall and if you were lucky they had very long cords that allowed you to walk around the corner and sit on the floor rather than standing in the kitchen next to your mom. I remember it was a big deal when we got a cordless phone. It had a giant, extend-able silver antenna but it allowed freedom while talking on the phone. I could even walk to the mailbox and still have reception! That was technology, baby!Broadcast television that required an antenna. The TV had three knobs -- On/Off, one for VHF channels (usually stronger reception) and one for the UHF channels. Within those knobs were dials that helped "adjust" the picture. There were three major networks -- ABC, CBS, and NBC plus PBS. There were local stations, as well. They specialized in news or "I Love Lucy" reruns. When we finally got cable, it consisted of a single premium channel -- either HBO (known then as Home Box Office), Showtime or The Movie Channel. We still watched the local stations via the antenna. It was two more years before we got a "cable box" that gave us a whopping 32 stations. One of those was WGN from Chicago. Why we needed a local station from anothe city, I'm not sure but it introduced me to the Cubs and Bozo the Clown.Life before recordable TV. If you missed it, it was gone until rerun season.Life before computers -- I received a typewriter for high school graduation! My family got our first computer when I was 19 and a sophomore in college. I got my first email address (AOL, of course!) when I was 26 and in grad school.Life when we walked without looking down at an iPhone. The ultimate technology combo -- cell phone and computer. I got my first cell phone at 27 and there were vast patches of the country that did not have coverage. I had "minutes" and no texting. My children are not only aware of my phone -- they take photos and videos, play games, and call their dad on my phone!And of course, I remember life before blogging. But it wasn't as good. I remember being a lonely, frustrated SAHM in a new city. I remember thinking that I was the only one. And I remember when I learned I wasn't. I remember getting the first comment from someone to whom I was not related (Nezzy, I am looking at you!) and learning that a long-lost IRL friend (Unknown Mami) was a fabulous blogger herself who helped me learn the ropes. I remember when each an everyone of you found time in your busy lives to stop by.I will always remember. And I will be always be grateful.What do you remember? 


Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired


Wordless Wednesday #18 -- Great Minds Think Alike