A Star in My Own Universe

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I May Not Be 2 Hip 2 B Square but I Have Two Hips and I'm Definitely Square

I have lived in Austin for almost three years and I have never been to SXSW.  That's South By Southwest Festival to those in the know, which I am now. Yep, it's true. I am now among the hip and savvy. I have attended my first #SXSW Event. I included the hash tag because I am now so hip. And lest you doubt my new hip status, I have proof. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I got swag.Now, you may be saying, "Traci, what was with this event and how do you get invited?""How did I get invited? Haven't I established that I am hip now?""But that was after attending SXSW. How did you get invited in the first place? You know, before you were hip?""Oh yeah. I've been hip for 24 hours now so I had forgotten what life was like before.""So...""So, what? Oh yeah, so..."So, remember when I went to MomCom back in January? (If not, here's a reminder.) I met a hip mom who knew a hip mom who knew a hip mom who knew... well, you get the point. There was a lot of hipness or  hippi-ness. This is Austin, after all.So through the web of hipness, I got an invite. Now, you're wondering if I got to see "Killer  Joe" starring Austin McHotty Matthew McConaughey (though I hear he's smelly, but as I get to lust from afar and a non-aromatic screen, I'll just ignore that...). Nope. But I did get to preview a new TV show before release and it did center on a cutie named Daniel.Are you tapping your foot? Are you anxiously waiting for the big reveal? Or are you bored with the rhetorical questions ready to click the "X" button? Either way, here is one last tease...Yep, I spent my Sunday morning hanging with the folks from PBS Kids.

And yes, as a mom, that is SUPER hip. My kids love PBS Kids and I sat along side other way more hip bloggers (thank you Live Mom for the invite!), website designers, and two guys who work for LEGO (that is the equivalent of me meeting my Austin McHotty Matthew to my son, in fact, probably cooler) to learn where the people who make shows like SuperWhy are headed next.

And it's to the Neighborhood. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. The folks that brought you "Blue's Clues" and "Super Why" are going back to Main Street and the Castle and the Treehouse with an animated show centering on one of Fred Rogers' puppets, Daniel the Tiger. Now I will be writing more about the show later next week, but I'll tell you that I am hopeful for the new show.  I was brought to tears by a message by the late but always great Fred Rogers wherein he was telling his grown-up neighbors, now parents, that he still liked us just the way we are. I'm choking a little typing now.

But back to SXSW because I am focusing on my hip-ness here rather than my very non-hip crying at the table-ness. Here's the swag...

Pretty cool, huh? But just in case, you were afraid that my new hip status might mean the end to my slightly weird, very sentimental dorkiness that you have all come to love... here's how NOT to take a picture of yourself wearing the hip t-shirt included in the swag.

Never fear, Super Dork lives on! Because I may have two hips but I am always a square.