A Star in My Own Universe

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What's Happening Wednesday #1

Now that we have established that I am hip while sustaining a high level of dorkiness, I get invited to do all the cool things. Seriously, I feel like the popular kids invited me to their table! So I am starting a new series called What's Happening Wednesday. Here is where I can share some of the events, reviews, and giveaways of which I am a part. Now it will be very embarrassing if  there is no second What's Happening Wednesday, but we are going to believe (or at least I am going to believe) that I will stay hip and "Happening".Yesterday, my blog allowed me (again!) to be cool to my kids. And as they get older that becomes more and more important. How did this miracle occur? Here's a hint... 

Yes, that is a reserved sign (the closest to velvet ropes and a big man with a list that I've gotten). And it was reserved for me! (And a few select others -- tee hee hee!) And who is that on the sign -- the Annie's bunny!


Do you know the Annie's bunny? Boy, do my kids. Especially my son. He loves the little ones that come in purple bags. (An organic alternative to a certain famous fish snack.)

So the folks at Annie's are expanding their kid-friendly organic options to include frozen pizzas. And two very groovy ladies, Heidi at Free Fun in Austin and Nicole at LiveMom, invited me to the roll out at Whole Foods Market. There were games...

And of course, pizza... (Review to follow)

A truck with a garden in the back! My kids were fascinated by that.

(Note that he is holding on tight to those little bunnies!)

Here are my favorite bunnies in front of the bunny truck...

And of course, swag!!!! Yes another swag bag for this hip chick.

Big thanks to my growing blogging community and Annie's for a fun, free afternoon with my kids.

But no, that's not all. More is happening. From this same group, I have gotten two other opportunities: a book review and a fabulous local giveaway.

I am reading "The Thriving Child: Parenting Successfully Through Allergies, Asthma, and Other Common Challenges" by Erica Reid. I can't wait to share my thoughts when I'm finished.

And yes, I said "Giveaway". This is an Austin giveaway only (so sorry to my many other geographically distanced friends) but if you have friends or family in the area, please spread the word.

The lovely Jill Ventimiglia of Just Jill Cosmetics is giving away a free signature facial. On my blog! Yay! So here is the link to my first What's Happening Giveaway.

So that's what's happening in my world this Wednesday, what's happening with you?