How Not to Be a Supermommy

Wow! What a day!It started when I woke up and realized that I had left half of the beautiful roast I made last night in the crock pot. I had left it to cool and FORGOT all about it. So not only did I throw away food and money but also that I now had to make a new dinner!Then I missed my son's teacher's birthday party because I put it in my phone as after pick-up rather than drop-off. Unfortunately, I did not realize this until after I told my daughter that we were going early to pick-up her brother because there was a party. Yes, I made a rookie mistake -- I said the P-word!So when we arrive at said party and find out that we were seven hours late... well, insert giant tantrum here. Big meltdown in front of the school. In front of her brother. In front of God and PTA moms.So I began speaking through my teeth trying with all the might that God gave me not to yell or cry. I scooped her up and headed to the car alongside a now-mortified brother. So of course, they get in the car and insert sibling fight.And I, maintaining a cool head and calm voice (and if you believe that, I have a lovely offer from Nigeria that should make us millions...), began repeating the mantra, "please stop". Sometimes, alternated with "please, please stop" or "can you please stop?" or the best of all and my personal favorite, "what about 'stop' do you not understand?"This continues on the drive from school to my son's boy scout pack meeting. The meetings are held at a nearby church. By the time I reach said church, we have all lost our minds. I am trying desperately to keep everything and everyone together and failing miserably. Brother and sister have moved beyond cat and dog to T-Rex and Stegosaurus. It is a battle of the ages. My attempts to be heard are futile and my voice has now joined the cacophony. Finally, the piece de resistance, as we are getting out of the car, I cursed. IN A CHURCH PARKING LOT! That's a new low.So in the process of becoming the "Mom I Am Going To Be", it's fair to say that I took a few  steps backwards. But there is always tomorrow. Though a prayer or two might help.


Sundays in My City #26 -- The Road Taken


What's Happening Wednesday #3