A Star in My Own Universe

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Five Reasons I Am a Lousy Blogger

bloggingThere are great resources out there on how to be a better blogger; get more readers, keep them, get sponsors, etc. this is not one of those resources.Traci's Top Five Reasons Why I Am NOT a Famous Blogger:(Why Five? Because I am not a good enough blogger to come up with ten!)5. I do not fit into a set category. Sometimes I am Mommy Blogger, sometimes a Review Blogger, and sometimes I'm just plain Weird.4. I write what I want (see above) when I want. Some weeks I write everyday, some weeks, I write only once or twice.3. I do a lot of memes or I do none at all.2. I get lost in my blogging life until my real life demands me again whereupon, I ignore my blogging life.1. I am inconsistent (see #2-5!) but I love my blog and while it may never make me a Star in any other Universe, it makes me happy.So thanks for putting up with my lousy blogging ways.