Enough is Enough... I Don't Have TIME for This
Dear Red Covered, Four-Letter magazine,
It's not about Jamie Lynn Grumet.
She seems a lovely young woman who in interviews has expressed her respect for individual family choice. It is not about attachment parenting or about breast-feeding toddlers. It's not even about Dr. Sears and his theories.It's about these words...
"Are You Mom Enough?"
Short answer... no.
Every mother worth her salt wants the best for her children, no matter to what theory she does or does not subscribes. And every mother worth her salt doubts from time to time that she is the best. And most of us doubt it more often than from time to time. We think it dozens if not hundreds of times a day.
"Am I Mom Enough?"
Your attempt to be provocative and sell actual paper-bound copies was neither subtle nor sensitive. On the week of Mother's Day, you threw this question in bold in our faces. You didn't say...
"Are you parent enough?"
No, of course not. Because in the year of 2012, the weight of a properly socialized/attached/adjusted child still falls almost entirely on mothers. Mothers, who are filled with self-doubt and who constantly ask themselves that very question.I have not read the entire article. As I mentioned above, this isn't really about the actual article. It is about the choice to propose such a question in the first place. And to choose to do so on a week meant to celebrate all moms just irks me.
"Are You Mom Enough?"
Short answer... yes. Because every mother who loves her children and does her utmost best to provide her children with the best life she can provide, IS Mom enough. Attached or unattached, sleep-training or co-sleeping, breast or formula-feeding, working or stay-at-home, she is Mom enough. And most days, all she dreams of hearing is... Yes, yes you are.
So dying artifact of the printed world, if you will not say it, I will. To the Moms out there... supermodels and supermommies and every mother in-between....
"You are Mom Enough."
(A Star in My Own Universe and hopefully, in the Hearts of MY Children)