When Two Worlds Collide

When two worlds collide, there is going to be damage.In some ways, I look forward all year to my teaching gig each summer. I get to share my love of theatre with kids, I get to hang out with other artists, and use three syllable words. I wear my cute clothes and feel rejuvenated by the twenty-somethings that work with me.And unlike the angst that surrounds my parenting, I am very confident in this world. I get to use the skills garnered with my very expensive degree. And for seven weeks a year, I feel in touch with the dreams of my youth.There is a great cost, however. I have to be away from my husband. My chronic fatigue is aggravated by the added stress to my time and body. My children have to adjust to a loss in time with me. This is especially hard on my daughter. Her behavior demonstrates that she is not thrilled with sharing Mommy. The combination of my illness and my daughter's frustration can lead to exasperation on both of our parts.So in my attempt to make everyone happy, I have dedicated many hours to playing Barbie (yay), foregone sleep (ouch), allowed laundry to create Easter Island style formations (double ouch), and almost totally abandoned the blog (boo!). Balanced? Not at all. Necessary? At the moment. Forever? No, and therefore do-able.To those of you who are still visiting -- thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am trying. I hope to post two to three times a week but only if it's not at the expense of smiles and giggles from the real Stars of My Universe. I miss writing and I miss visiting. But right now that's the cost of my two worlds colliding.


Sundays in My City #30 -- An Oasis


When Two Worlds Collide