Butterfly Kisses and Big Boy Ways

Did you ever hear the song "Butterfly Kisses"? It's a country song about a Daddy's love for his little girl and watching her grow up. I'm not much of a C & W fan but this song chokes me up a little, especially this part of the chorus.

Oh with all that I've done wrongI must have done something rightTo deserve a hug every mornin'And butterfly kisses at night

My son is eight and will be nine in the blink of an eye. He is growing up and while he still likes to cuddle, he gave up kisses about two years ago. I receive kisses when I ask and by ask, I mean tap my cheek. He will then begrudgingly give me a small peck. When I give him a kiss, he makes a point of "wiping" it off. Now he knows that this usually results in an attack of "Mommy kisses that can't be wiped off" which always culminates with big laughs. But even though he doesn't hate my kisses, he clearly thinks that he is too big for them.Which BREAKS. MY. HEART.But last night, something very sweet happened. We are cuddling at bedtime and I leaned in to kiss the top of his head.Sonny Bunny: Mommy, you missed my head. You kissed the pillow.Me: I did? Well, let's fix that.(I kissed his cheek.)Sonny Bunny: That's better. (He nestled in even deeper.)Yes, yes it is.


Sundays in My City #32 -- Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah


To Thrift or Not to Thrift