A Star in My Own Universe

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I'm Signing Up!

 It's back to school time again! And along with backpacks and lunchboxes, it is a time of need for many of our campuses. With budget dollars stretched thin, parental volunteers are more necessary than ever. We can debate until we are red (or blue) in the face, as to what is needed to "fix" our schools but that will do little other than create frustration. And as the old saying goes, it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.So, I am striking a match by signing up.I am signing up to support my kids' school library. I have agreed for the second year in a row to chair our Friends of the Library committee for the PTA. I serve as a liaison between the librarians and those other parents who wish to volunteer in the library. And I am so lucky! My kids go to a school where parental involvement is the rule not the exception. And it shows. We have a beautifully stocked and well-maintained library. Our volunteers keep the books shelved so that our librarians are able to spend their time on curriculum planning and enrichment.It is easy in our screen driven world to feel that a school library doesn't hold as much value in our students' lives. I couldn't disagree more.  At the heart of all learning is literacy. When a child becomes literate, he/she gains the ability to learn on their own. Whether they are reading a screen or a book, using Google or an Encyclopedia, the ability to read frees the child to answer their own questions and discover more.And nothing inspires that love of reading like walking into a beautiful library. Watch a kindergartner's face light up when they check out their first book and you'll see what I mean. As much as I love my digital world (and you know I do!), books are real. They are tangible. And they can create that very lifetime love of reading and learning for which we all hope.So I'm signing up in the library but there are so many ways to help. And you don't have to be a SAHM to join in. Often, they don't require a regular commitment but simply a few hours.  Just a few days ago, our school had parents out on a Saturday to clean up the campus. Many a working parent was out there picking up trash, raking, and sweeping.  Soon, we will have our fall carnival that has become a community event and raises money to support our computer lab and reading specialists. Even an hour makes a difference. Again, imagine how bright the world would be if we each simply lit one candle.At our school, we often use Volunteer Spot. It is a fabulous website that allows coordinators to set up an event with details, including volunteer time slots. No more calling trees and headaches tracking down volunteers. No more double staffing one shift only to leave another unattended. The coordinator need only invite prospective volunteers to join the event and they are free to sign up for the shifts that best fit their lives. It even sends reminders! I love this site!I know we're all pulled many ways, therefore anything that can support parents in supporting their schools (or any other non-profit close to their hearts) is a home run in my book. Get it... book? You knew I couldn't get through a post without some corny humor. Please find a way to support your school or community in some small way. With all the good people in the world, I am pretty sure we can set this place ablaze!Want to learn more about how Volunteer Spot can you help you light your own candle? Come on... you know you do. Well, here's a little peek, including info on the fabulous Sweepstakes. But that's not all. You can follow them on Twitter @VolunteerSpot or "like" them on Facebook. I am pretty sure that the more you learn about this time-saving, headache-avoiding tool, you will want to light a seas of candles!VSpot_BackToSchool_Volunteer

Save time {and stress} and get more parents involved

at school with VolunteerSpot.com! 

VolunteerSpot's FREE online signup sheets make it easy to organize parents and signup to help for just about anything: classroom helpers, snack schedules, carnivals, library volunteers, parent-teacher conferences and more....  No more 'Reply-All' email chains! Please share with your room mom, teachers and parent leaders…

Plus there's a huge Sweepstakes on VolunteerSpot's Facebook page! Win an iPad for YOU and a $500 for your fave School! Enter here

 Read more: I'm Signing Up | 2012 Back-To-School Images - Online Sign Up Blog by VolunteerSpot http://blog.volunteerspot.com/volunteer_guru/im-signing-up-2012-back-to-school-images.html#ixzz24q0aaN00