Sundays in My City #35 -- Big Steps, Little Feet
This week was a big one in our house. A week of firsts and big steps. Steps away from me...Steps towards the future...
That's right. This year, I had not one but two walking through the doors of elementary. My Little Diva started kindergarten and my Sonny Bunny embarked on third grade. Both walked into their classes without as much as a "see you later, mom". Which I know is a good thing even if it doesn't feel so good.You might think the strongest pangs were for my "baby" taking those kindergarten steps. They are there, believe me. But in some ways, the fact that my Sonny-Bunny has entered in third grade has gotten me even more.Third grade was my favorite year of school. It was the year I discovered princesses living in attics and locked gardens overrun with weeds. It was the year I actually read Alice in Wonderland, Mary Poppins, and The Wizard of Oz, rather than simply watching the movies. Third grade marks the halfway point through his primary school experience. And with each step, he becomes a little less mine and more his own. With each step, they both move a little further from me.That is the irony of motherhood, though, isn't it? If done right, you put yourself out of a job. Alas...What is going on in your world this Sunday? Please check out my friend, Unknown Mami, and see other Sundays in other cities. Have a great week -- I'll be busy watching those backpacks move ahead of me; hopefully not too far.