I Just Might Be Channeling Martha Stewart...
But without the millions, the house in the Hamptons, or the cheery attitude. Well, maybe I got that last part backwards... Anyways, I actually cooked something from scratch. For those of you who don't know me, this is something of an event; a Halley's Comet style event. At the age of 41, I am just now learning to cook. But here is proof that I started with basic ingredients...Made some effort... (This was hand-breaded chicken from a recipe -- woo hoo!)
Made some mess...
Put it together...
And an edible dinner resulted. Not just edible, my Italian-descent husband loved it! (You have no idea how amazing that is! My husband has video of me setting the oven on fire while trying to cook chicken.)For the adults...
And for the pint-sized picky ones...
Now I am not a food blogger and clearly not a food photographer but I am pretty proud of this. Way back when I was 38 and Growing, learning to cook a meal without a pre-packaged box dinner was a goal. Today, I feel like I really achieved that. So watch out, Martha, I'm on my way! :-)