Why I Am Here

As I met fellow bloggers at Bloggy Boot Camp Dallas, I was asked, "So, what do you write about?" And I realized that was part of the reason I was here today. My life has changed so much since I started blogging. In some ways, changed because of blogging. And therefore, my posts have changed.At 38 and Growing, the posts were mostly like journal entries as I tried to make sense of why I could love my family so much, be so blessed by them but still feel so stymied by the change in my life course. The shadow of who I thought I "shoulda/coulda/woulda been" hung so heavily over the me I had become that I was suffocated. The blog became my breath.Then I moved to my own Universe and I began to come out of the shadow. I found a voice, my voice and as I spoke more here, I became happier. So the blog became less of my breath and more of my place to show off pics of my kids, socialize and share products/happenings and occasionally vent.And that is great except I have felt my voice start to slip away. Fewer and fewer posts are about my journey; fewer and fewer are posts that truly make me proud. So I am re-committing myself to that voice -- the one that was too silent for too long. She's still in here and still needs to speak. Otherwise, she just might go silent again. And I can't afford that.So that's why I am here at #BBCDal. It's Boot Camp, Bloggy Style; which is basically my style -- Hilton hotel, catered food, wine tastings and a night in a hotel offering showers and sleep uninterrupted by children. But it is Boot Camp, nonetheless because  I am signing back up with the writer inside the blogger, the writer in me.


A Special Day for My Special Guy


What's Happening Review #3 -- Edie Bird