A Star in My Own Universe

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The List

I have mentioned that I have insomnia and here is a clue why...I'm a list maker. I am constantly scribbling down notes, setting alarms in my phone, and when not in a position to do either, repeating items over and over to myself lest I forget. Is it any wonder I am a crazed, neurotic woman?Sometimes, I wonder if the lists help me or simply take time from accomplishing the very items requiring of a list. Creating the lists provide me a sense of mental relief but when I fail to complete the list (which is pretty much a daily occurrence), I feel disappointed in myself.  I then begin the process of transferring those things that I did not accomplish to a new list and start the whole process again.At two o'clock this morning, I hit a new low. I actually put a reminder in my phone to make a new to-do list. Yep... no words.So, how does a semi-crazy woman like myself straighten out her mind and still get everything done? I don't know. But making lists at 2 a.m. is not working for me. Any suggestions? I'll add them to my list. :-)