Advent Calendar Day #4 -- Reindeer Games

When I was a child, I related a great deal to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, A while back, I talked about being the girl with the dot on her nose. Growing up with a red birthmark in the middle of my nose made me different and ripe for teasing. I knew what it was to feel left out. And yes, I missed out on many fun events like Rudolph's Reindeer Games. I dreamed of doing something great that would make all my friends love me... and shout with glee.When my son picked up this headband, I couldn't help but think of the song and my days as the red-nosed girl. However, he is not red-nosed and he looks pretty happy here. If only he would let his sister play the reindeer games...Only 21 days until Christmas... If you missed any of my Advent days, you can catch up with the calendar here.


Wordless Wednesday #35 -- Vet Training


Advent Calendar Day #3 -- O Christmas Tree