A Star in My Own Universe

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Advent Calendar Day #9 -- The Hannukah Song

When I was young and learned of Hannukah, my little kid mind went to work. Eight nights seemed way cooler than one day. Why couldn't I be Jewish? My Jewish friends today laugh when I tell them how jealous I was. It seems they were often jealous of my tree and all the songs.In this world, we all need a few miracles and Hannukah celebrates one. So tonight, I celebrate that and all my friends who are lighting the candles. Let's all remember  the miracle of a day's oil that lasted for eight nights.In the spirit of sharing a song every day (or night), I had to include Adam Sandler and his Hannukah Song -- so awesome (almost convert-worthy)!And to all of my friends, "Shalom".Catch up with my calendar here.