A Star in My Own Universe

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eMeals Puts the E in Easy Meals

A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you the awesome offer made by US Family Guide and eMeals to ring in a new year of home cooking and controlled budgets.My readers were offered a discount -- Get 15% off the leading meal planning system @eMeals with coupon code “2013.” www.emeals.com -- and I was offered a free trial.And I was eager to sign up! Immediately upon enrolling, meal plans were made available via download. The plans are lined up with a local store (and here's the part I love) and the meal plans are directly related to the current store promotions. A shopping list is generated along with the  menu making things very "easy".We were traveling over the holidays so I haven't yet had the opportunity to try out the plans. Thursday, however, is shopping day and what do you know? That's the day I find the latest plan in my Inbox. So stay tuned...