What's Happening Wednesday #19

This week was a busy start to the New Year (so much so I'm posting on Thursday)! I hope you and yours are all off to an awesome 2013!So to start the new year on a healthy, well-fed start, I am trying out meal plans. Here is my first experience with eMeals!. A big thank you to US Family Guide and eMeals for making this opportunity available.Also thanks to US Family Guide, I have a little bling to start the year. The lovely ladies at Hot Mama Designs offered my readers a holiday discount last month which was awesome! But look what came in the mail yesterday:So lovely! I can't wait to wear them!On Monday, I announced that my New Year Goal was to get my hair wet. And yesterday, I did. Austin has received some much needed rain this week. When I brought my kids into school, it was only misting so I forgot my umbrella. Needless to say, when I exited the school, it was raining. But rather than frantically running to my car, I took my time and enjoyed the rain. Really enjoyed it. As I was walking, I remembered that I would walk in the rain all the time when I lived in San Francisco. If you haven't done it in a while, try it. I don't, however, recommend it, if you are headed straight to a meeting because you may end up looking like this:I'm still using Outbox and I am following up with my holiday mail experience.Over at Dr. Smith's, I discussed introducing allowances for my kids.I'm going to a party, and you can, too. My Aunt Sharlotte, a great blogger in her own right,invited me to a Blog Follower Party over at 2 Bags Full. I'll be meeting all sorts of new bloggers -- crafts, mommy, travel, you name it... I hope you'll join me over there on January 19th.

On that same note, I have joined the Bloggy Moms January Blog Hop. In 2013, I am committed to meeting more bloggers so I am so excited to be a part of both of these events!

Finally, on a personal note, I am joining in the 52 Week Money Challenge. I learned of it from Look What Mom Found. Every year, we say we are going to save and every year, we come to the end of the year with nothing. This seems do-able, at least until mid-year. Talk to me around June...

So. that's What's Happening for my Wednesday Thursday, what's happening for you?


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