A Star in My Own Universe

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There's A Party Going On...

Is it my birthday?No, but thanks for asking.  It's a blog party! Today is the "Grow Your Blog" event hosted by 2 Bags Full.

For those of you new my to my Universe, thanks for stopping by. Here's a bit about me...I am wife to Mr. Hero, my military man, and mom to Sonny-Bunny and Little Diva (yes, it is a well-deserved but very loving moniker!). They keep me very busy and a little bit crazy but mostly they keep me happy. I write about them quite a bit and post pictures regularly as a part of Wordless Wednesday.In my former life (e.g. pre-Mommy), I was an actress. I miss it. Some days a little, some days a lot. I write about my journey of finding a new path.I blog to share these stories. I blog to record moments in my children's lives. But mostly, I blog to be a part of an ever-growing community. I love getting to know women from all over the world -- sharing their stories, their travels, their triumphs, their tough days -- it is the biggest but best neighborhood I have ever known (well, except for Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood... his really was the best!)A few posts to check out: The Missing Piece I Got My Hair Wet...And I'm Going to Do It Again!So welcome, I hope you will join me. Each star makes my Universe brighter!