What's Happening Wednesday #20

It's Wednesday again and I am so happy to say that there is a lot happening!First, I am still participating in the Grow Your Blog Party generously hosted by 2 Bags Full. It is a long list of fabulous bloggers and I am slowly but surely working my way over to each and every one. So excited to meet so many new bloggy friends!A big thank you to all the bloggers who have already visited and a welcome to all my new party friends!This weekend I am busy. But busy in terrific ways...I will be using the Harlem Globetrotter tickets that I received via my friends at the US Family Guide. Yay! I am taking my 3rd grade son.  He's the same age I was when I discovered the fun of these athletes and performers. I cannot wait for him to see their amazing antics. Thanks again to US Family Guide and the Harlem Globetrotters for this awesome opportunity!And this Saturday, I will be Momming it Up at MomCom! This will be my third and I am super excited. Each time, there have been incredible speakers that inspire me, challenge me, and entertain me. I have made so many friends and always walk away feeling like all my dreams are possible! You don't have to be a blogger to join us -- I hope you will!Finally, if I was not rocking enough, I will be taking my daughter to check out our favorite Austin theatre company Pollyanna and their new play, The Family of Ree.  Showtimes are still available for both Saturday and Sunday at the Long Center.They are such a talented company and their plays are so well-produced. One of Austin's best-kept secrets, please check them out!Oh, and did I mention how pretty I am going to look at all of these events?  Why? Because I will be trying out Cheyenne Design's mineral makeup! They have given me palette of foundation and a palette of finishing powder, as well as a bar of Rosemary Goat soap. Double yay! Here's a preview...I'll let you know how it works out for me!Finally, one of my dearest blogging and IRL friends is making me a star! Claudya Martinez aka Unknown Mami hosts a regular show interviewing people for 7 Minutes! And on January 31st at 11 am CST/9 am PST, you can see me at her Google Meet-up. I hope you will join us!

Unknown Mami
So that's what's happening for my Wednesday, what's happening for you?


Sundays in My City #48 -- Seeking an Oasis


What's Happening -- Pollyanna Theatre and The Family of Ree