What's Happening -- The Family of Ree Presented by Pollyanna Theatre

This past weekend, my daughter and I had the immense pleasure to see the Pollyanna Theatre production of The Family of Ree based on the children's books by Scott E. Sutton. A fantastical story of a rat marooned from another world seeking a new home for his society. He is introduced to a colorful array of characters that include wizards and fun creatures called  Ploots. Below is a glimpse into Sutton's vision for this world:Pollyanna's artistic team was really faithful.  The set was colorful and lush. Flying creatures were brought to life by a collection of puppets presented by two multi-tasking actors. Here is the oh-so talented cast with Mr. Sutton on the stage of the Long Center.Pretty fabulous, right?This company produces such high quality shows. As a former children's theatre actress, I have seen (and frankly participated in) really bad theatre. Pollyanna is out there creating well-produced pieces centering around strong stories with a message. My children always enjoy their shows and here's the kicker... so do I! They truly are my favorite theatre company in Austin!After the show, there was a Pay What You Wish Party. Here is my daughter with the cast.And she got to meet Mr. Sutton who autographed her book...Finally, what can make a girl happier than a juice box and a wizard hat?Personally, I can't wait until May to see the next show, Plus Meets Minus! I hope you will join me. It is sure to be loads of fun!!!The Pollyanna Theatre provided me with tickets to review the show. The opinions represented are all mine.


What's Happening -- Harlem Globetrotters and US Family Guide


Wordless Wednesday #41 -- The Princess and Her Hero