The Day I Learned I Had Enough

I (too often) can feel like we don't have enough money. We have debt and as anyone who has debt knows, it is almost impossible to dig out from under it. It feels like all of the extra money goes to pay down the debt and the next thing I know, something happens and the cards are all filled up again. It is frustrating and stressful and at times I allow it to get the best of me.But the truth is, I am mightily blessed. I have said this before but it bears saying again. There are so many that would look at me and think that I am wealthy -- even as a military family, even with my medical expenses, even with my debt. They would look at my pantry, my closets, and my life and say that I have more than I should ever need. And they would be right. My son showed me that so clearly the other night.In another ridiculous moment in parenting, my son threw an enormous fit about what I made for dinner. A huge, loud, kicking & screaming fit. And in a completely pitiful move (based on the fact that my husband was about to leave me for the evening and I chose wimp option #1), I actually made another dinner plus there were several leftover back-ups. Yet my son screamed, "there is no food in this house! We have nothing!"And in that moment, ironically enough, I realized just how much we had. There are very hungry children in this world, children who go to bed hungry. If my child was going to be hungry that night, it was because he chose that.After a long time-out and a (really) long talk, he returned to the table and ate. He ate well. He did not go to bed hungry. And I learned I had enough. More so, I had plenty. And that night I said an extra prayer of two words... "thank you".


Sundays in My City #51 -- B-Day It Up


Wordless Wednesday #43 -- The Haul