Staring at a Blank Page

The word "writer" daunts me. I want so much to embrace that moniker. When someone asks me what I do, I want to answer, "I'm a writer". Instead, I usually say that "I'm just a mom" or I might add that "I have a blog". If I am feeling really confident, I'll say "I do a little writing" but I never say "I'm a writer".  I am even quicker to say that I'm an actress than a writer and I haven't haunted a stage in years (not that I wouldn't embrace that ghostly form in a heartbeat).On a day like today when the blinking cursor seems more my enemy than my friend, that title seems further away than ever.But tomorrow is another day and I will again attempt to seduce the elusive lover known as writing. Until then...


What's Happening -- Woo to the Wazoo


Sundays in My City #54 -- Hanging a Round with Peter Pan