What's Happening -- US Family Guide and L'il Kickers -- The Review
One of the great benefits of blogging is the opportunity to provide fun for my kids. The folks at US Family Guide have provided many of those opportunities. One of them was the chance to try out L'il Kickers Soccer Classes in Cedar Park.So I packed up Little Diva an Sonny-Bunny and we headed up to do a little kicking.The facility is huge with an entire indoor soccer field, as well as a couple of separate kicking zones.
The classes are divided by age groups. Little Diva was with 6-7 year olds and they focused on skills for about a half-hour and then played scrimmage games. My hats are off to the coaches because they worked hard to keep those little ones focused. In truth, my Diva was not her best self (turned out she was feeling bad -- crashed with a slight fever later that day) yet the coaches were kind and engaging with her. Here she is:
(Forgive the photography -- it's hard to capture moving targets behind glass!)Sonny-Bunny was a champ. I loved watching him kick and block. The older kicks focus on skills and I was impressed by the class. The coaches juggled several skill levels very well.
You can see his smile in the first pic.We are so thankful to our friends at US Family Guide and L'il Kickers. We are seriously considering enrolling Sonny-Bunny in the Skills class and so appreciate the opportunity to try out the class. It made for a fun Saturday morning!