Writing Everyday in May -- Day 2: What I Know

Day 2, Thursday: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. What I know... This should be a pretty short post. I could write more prolifically about what I don't know. Ironic, right? Yep, that's me, Ms. Ironic.Seriously, though, you might think I might wax on about acting. But the crazy thing about acting is it is just that -- "acting". Putting into words the magic that happens in front of a camera or behind a curtain is tough work and left mostly to the great (and some not-so-great) teachers of our time. So this is what I came up with.I know that I am loved. I am surrounded by so many who daily affirm my value in the world. There is little more than anyone can ask for beyond that.I know that I love. I look at my children and sometimes I am seized by such an overwhelming wash of love that it takes the breath out of my lungs. My husband still makes my heart beat faster. I love.I know that I am blessed. I have food in my pantry. I have a big soft bed on which to sleep. I have clean clothes to wear and a selection of bubble baths which I can use to relax. I live freely and more prosperously than many in this world.These three things I know with confidence. The rest is still a learning process.It's still not too late to join the Challenge! Thanks to Jenni for hosting!


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